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Tamar Kutateladze


The article describes the process of emergence and evolution of theatre teaching in Georgia. The study of teaching processes begins with the functioning of short-term “courses” that existed before the first professional school was established.

These courses /G. Eristavi/ provided study training and informal knowledge to future and actively working actors. It was precisely these courses that formed the basis for the training of qualified, uncom- promising professionals who consciously recognised their national cultural values. In this field, the role of the school theatre led by Giorgi Eristavi and Lado Meskhishvili was ex- tremely important. The article underlines the history of the development of the professional theatre school, which is closely linked to the development of the directing profession. In this context, it is worth mentioning that Giorgi Jabadari (1918) and later Akaki Paghava made a great contribution to the education of professional theatre cadres with their studies. The article devotes considerable space to the creation of Akaki Paghava's studio, in- cluding the establishment of the Theatre Institute. The role of teachers of directing - the great Georgian directors Kote Marjanishvili and Sandro Akhmeteli, the rector of the theatre institute of the great actor Akaki Khorava - is also highlighted. The principles and ethical standards set by him are specifically emphasised, etc.

The article mentions all the important theatre performances that were prepared and per- formed on the stage of the Teaching Theatre. These performances created the basis for the emergence of new theatres. For example the “Theatre of the 11th Auditorium” founded by director Mikheil Tumanishvili as a pedagogue, the “Metekhi Theatre” founded by Sandro Mrevlishvili and others.

The article also mentions the establishment of the Chair of Artistic Speech Education under the leadership of Maliko Mrevlishvili and Babo Nikolaishvili.

One of the greatest achievements of the Theatre Institute/Theatre School is the estab- lishment of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and its successful operation under the leadership of Tamaz Chiladze and Irakli Samsonadze. Mention should also be made of the popular youth performances on the stage of the “Teaching Theatre” in the renovated hall of the former “Spartacus” film theatre.

The article pays great attention to the analysis of theatre performances (“The Diary of Anne Frank”, “Bird of Paradise”, “Fear Number One”, “Six Actors Search for the Author”, “The Salem Witch Trial”, “Antigone”, “The Pillowman”, “Lysistrata” and others. ) by well- known directors, teachers and their students who also worked at the theatre school (Gior- gi Tovstonogov, Lili Iosseliani, Mikheil Tumanishvili, Gizo Jordania, Temur Chkheidze, Shalva Gatserelia, Giorgi Margvelashvili, Giorgi Shalutashvili, Nanuka Khuskivadze, Maia Doborjginidze, David Tarba, Tata Tavdishvili, Gega Gagnidze and others.

These theatre performances are an inseparable part of the learning process and their analysis and study testify to the creative, professional and pedagogical achievements and accomplishments of teachers, students, directors and actors.

Published: May 20, 2024

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How to Cite
Tamar Kutateladze. (2024). EDUCATIONAL THEATRE. Art Researches, 5. Retrieved from